Friday, January 6, 2012

Why do people say Obama only got elected because of the media?

Since McCain's negative campaigning greatly outweighed Obama's, isn't it fair that the media balance that out? Ha. I don't think I saw a single ad for McCain saying what he WOULD do for the country. Only what Obama would do that he WOULDN'T do. As far as we know, John McCain would sit on his *** besides his tax plan. I agree the media has failed their duty. Fox and CNN were the biggest failures. Overall, I'd say the GOP provided plenty of fodder for negative coverage. Plus, the media usually sides with what people want to hear and see, and it was no different this election. The media knew what the people thought of the Republican party. If there were no media involved in this election, Obama would still have been elected. Maybe he would have lost a couple swing states, but honestly, atleast Obama HAS a plan.

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